Thursday, September 3, 2020

Introduction to Your Thesis or Dissertation

Prologue to Your Thesis or Dissertation Presentation As you are taking a shot at the presentation, ensure it contains some required segments. Put things in place: You should present the general subject of your exploration, your examination issue, and its significance to the peruser. Exploration foundation: Here you will join the discoveries of the most huge investigations that identify with your concern or point. Hole in research. Here you will demonstrate where you see the hole in experimental or hypothetical writing. Along these lines you will have the option to legitimize the significance of your examination. Study reason: Outline the reason and objectives of your investigation. You might need to incorporate the inquiries or theories you are going to test. It is conceivable that your examination addresses will be founded on outside references. Framework the key parts of your investigation. You can utilize one or a few expressions included beneath to make your presentation increasingly bright. Putting things in place: Scientists are progressively intrigued by X. The previous years saw a flood in enthusiasm toward X. The developing assemblage of writing proposes that specialists are worried about X. Various strategies and structures were utilized to contemplate X in the previous twenty years. Scientists were amped up for finding X. Examination foundation: Prior examinations have shown†¦ Previously, scientists proposed that†¦ An ongoing report affirmed that†¦ Hole in research: Only a couple of studies were finished to†¦ Unfortunately, prior examinations have neglected to address†¦ The issue X remains for the most part underexplored†¦ Study Purpose: The reason for this work is†¦ This theory is proposed to explain the accompanying issues†¦ The point of this paper is to†¦ Diagram: The proposition incorporates the accompanying sectionsChapter gives a review of the strategies used to test the proposed speculations Tip: As you are gathering proof, it is never past the point where it is possible to offer comments and survey the wording utilized by different analysts in their examinations. Utilize the most intriguing articulations to make your paper all the more fascinating to your peruser!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion

The discussions of whether confidence gatherings and organizations should/ought not be permitted to effectively partake in the continuous development of the America’s open circle keep on strongly affecting the real factors of a contemporary living in this country.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the primary parts of these discussions is that, while endeavoring to advance their perspective on the concerned topic, the defenders of both oppositely inverse methodologies regularly make references to what used to be the assessments of the Founding Fathers, in this regard. Therefore, Founding Fathers are by and large frequently viewed as both: the adversaries of the possibility that religion ought to be consolidated into the country’s open life, as its vital part, and this idea’s advocates. This, obviously, contributes consid erably to the way that, starting today, American residents remain somewhat separated in their conclusions with regards to what sort of a job should religion play in the general public. In any case, while enjoying the prior referenced discussions, the defenders of the two methodologies appear to stay uninformed that, over the span of the only remaining century, the American culture has experienced a sensational change. This is the reason, starting today, the legitimacy of the Founding Fathers’ bits of knowledge, with respect to the issue of religion, can't be examined outside of what represents the subjective parts of the time of post-advancement. In this paper, I will investigate the legitimacy of the above-proposal finally, while contending that the established rule of the partition among Church and State remains altogether legitimate and that the alleged ‘people of faith’ will be vastly improved off not intruding in the country’s open issues. The princip le contention, to which strict Americans allude, while attempting to demonstrate the authenticity of their case that they ought to be permitted to apply a solid effect on the procedure of a political/social dynamic in America, is that the First Amendment to the U.S.Advertising Looking for paper on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Constitution unmistakably entitles Americans with the option to rehearse their strict convictions unreservedly, â€Å"Congress will make no law regarding a foundation of religion, or precluding the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (First Amendment, 2013, para. 1). A similar Amendment likewise ensures that, paying little heed to what happened to be the points of interest of people’s strict alliance, they won't be oppressed. Another regular contention, presented by strict residents, with regards to their case that they reserve the privilege to impact the government’s working, i s that at first, the mind greater part of early American pilgrims comprised of book of scriptures pounding Protestants. Indeed, even most of generously disapproved of Founding Fathers and most unmistakable American educated people, subsidiary with them, were officially strict. For instance, as Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur called attention to, â€Å"As Christians†¦ our musings are left to God† (1781, para. 7). All things considered, it regularly skirts the strict people’s consideration that back in the beginning of America, the proportion of one’s strict unwaveringness used to be viewed as intelligent of the degree of their existential enterprising nature. The explanation behind this is straightforward †Protestants don't generally require God as their definitive promoter, but instead as some inaccessible position that doesn't intercede in their lives effectively. This is the motivation behind why Protestants accept that it is the point at which they ar e by and large completely confident that makes God to adore them †consequently, permitting devotees to appreciate a budgetary flourishing. This clarifies why, instead of what it is being the situation with Catholics, who will in general depend on ‘God’s graces’, while managing life-challenges, numerous Protestants discover it mentally appalling to try and pester God with extreme petitions. As per Emerson, â€Å"Prayer looks abroad and requests some remote expansion to get through some outside goodness, and loses itself in unlimited labyrinths of normal and otherworldly, and mediatorial and miraculous† (1841, para. 42). Along these lines, it gives the idea that even the America’s early erudite people, whose compositions contributed gigantically towards setting this nation on the way of a quick socio-social and mechanical turn of events, didn't have any hallucinations concerning the counter-recipient substance of the strict believers’ esse ntial action †a prayer.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the recently cited article, de Crevecoeur proposed that, â€Å"The prizes of his (American citizen’s) industry follow with equivalent advances the advancement of his work; his work is established based on nature, SELF-INTEREST†¦ Religion requests however little of him; a little intentional compensation to the minister†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (para. 4). In this way, there can be just a couple of questions that, even as right on time as over the span of the eighteenth century, the American culture had been now true secularized. This just couldn't be something else, in light of the fact that as sociologists are as a rule very much aware of, the genuine quality of people’s feeling of strictness contrarily identifies with the nature of their expectations for everyday comforts. In pl ain words †the more agreeable happened to be one’s life, the more uncertain the individual in question would think about on the issue of holiness, and the other way around. Since, after having shown up to the New World, European pioneers understood that the entire unexplored and asset rich mainland was available to them, there is nothing too odd about the way that, when contrasted with the expectations for everyday comforts in Europe, the expectations for everyday comforts in America were a lot higher †even as far back as a couple of hundreds of years prior. In this manner, in opposition to what the country’s strict residents accept, the America’s enormity has been foreordained by the target laws of history, which have nothing to do with the idea of a strict confidence. Similar laws assumed the possible development of the hypothesis of a ‘social contract’ (at first enunciated by John Locke), which even today stays a digressive establishmen t, whereupon the America’s persistent thriving immovably rests. As per the theory’s principal arrangement, all the residents are totally equivalent, in the social feeling of this word, â€Å"Creatures of similar species and rank, indiscriminately destined to no different points of interest of nature, and the utilization of similar resources, ought to likewise be equivalent one among another without subjection or subjection† (Locke, 1689, daddy. 2).Advertising Searching for article on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Clearly, as they were turning out to be perpetually mentally edified, it was just normal for Americans to go to the possible acknowledgment of the way that there can be no method of reasoning in furnishing a portion of the society’s individuals with uncommon rights and benefits while denying a similar chance to other people. However, it is explicitly the strict people’s faith in their ‘specialness’, which comprises their fundamental mental attribute, as people †this is particularly being the situation with the associates of monotheistic religions, for example, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. For instance, even today it speaks to an ordinary among strict Jews and fundamentalist Christians to consider themselves ‘chosen people’, who can legitimize even the most awful conduct, on the part, by saying ‘God wills it’. What it implies is that people’s option to appreciate the opportunity of strict articulation and their entit lement to take a functioning part in the society’s working are commonly inconsistent. The purpose behind this is basic †the society’s consistent steadiness is guaranteed by people’s eagerness to go into ‘social contracts’ with one another, which thus surmises a specific level of a scholarly adaptability, on their part. Be that as it may, as we understand, unequivocally strict individuals can be alluded to as anything besides mentally adaptable. Accordingly, subsequent to hosting been permitted to frame political gatherings, as the piece of exploiting their naturally ensured rights, strict people will definitely fret about attempting to restrict the privileges of others. The recommendation that confidence gatherings ought to be in the situation of affecting the administration/society will likewise show up desultorily conflicting, when we think about the subjective elements inside the American culture. All things considered, it doesn't represent any mystery that, starting today, this general public is turning out to be progressively multicultural †the procedure that has direct ramifications, with respect to how the society’s individuals approach rehearsing their religions, in light of the fact that one’s feeling of strictness can't be examined outside for what represents the concerned individual’s ethno-social connection. For instance, most of rehearsing Christians in the U.S. are Whites. This mostly clarifies why, regardless of the reality numerous American Christians remain altogether persuaded that they demonstration in accurate understanding with how Jesus might want them to, this is a long way from being the genuine case †the hereditarily foreordained functions of the White people’s attitude cause their strict longings to be counterfeit to a degree. This is exa

Friday, August 21, 2020

Expanding Business to Singapore Research Proposal - 1

Extending Business to Singapore - Research Proposal Example As of now the patterns of business tasks the executives have obviously tilted stressing over contemporary propelled factors that remembers center for globalization, effective on time creation, flexibly chain adequacy, imaginative methods for item advancement, client arranged modified creation, authority development by worker strengthening and moral consideration with ecological well disposed activities. Singapore, that was a principle focal point of the examination proposition is a satisfactory decision for global business extension on the grounds of ideal highlights of small scale condition. The reason for this exploration proposition is to adjust the data and casual qualities for organization extension under a characterized methodology to concoct the best outcomes as far as benefit and supportability. Consequently, it tends to be expressed that an effective tasks the board can be accomplished through endeavors to upgrade the capability of an association through remarkable presentat ion in every one of the business work. The scientist gives PEST Analysis on the subject of Aspects of Macro Environment just as the examination of Strategic administration and corporate open undertakings. In this way, the activities the board of late occasions can be acclaimed undeniably additionally testing as a result of cutting edge innovation of building, money, advertising and data framework technique. Likewise, the adjustments have additionally enhanced business supportability by methods for critical component, for example, scope quantification and anticipating.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

10 Practical Tips for Writing a Successful Research Paper

10 Practical Tips for Writing a Successful Research Paper You are finally done with your survey or experiment. It is time to put your findings together as a research paper, and it is not an easy part. These tips will help you navigate the way. Craft a Catchy Heading Think of the heading that will make the tutor curious to read your paper. Follow the Proper Structure Unless explicitly prescribed otherwise, you need to have Introduction, Method/Methodology, Findings/Results, and Conclusion/Recommendations as the main sections. Briefly explain your topic and rationale in the Introduction. Describe how exactly you conducted the research in Methodology. Report what you have found in Results. Summarise the key insights and provide recommendations in Conclusion. Leave the Introduction until the end It will be much easier to write after you complete the rest of your paper. Outline Before You Start Writing Think of the main points you want to include in each section. Write them down as notes, e. g.: Regression model 34% variance explained Significant factors: leadership style After you outline all the points, develop them into full sentences and paragraphs. This technique is easier than writing in complete sentences from the start. Outlining will also prevent you from getting bogged down in detail and losing focus. Be Analytical Explain what others can make of your findings and how they fit with other literature on the subject: This relationship suggests that companies need to invest into effective leadership to improve staff morale†¦ Contradictory to Briggs (2018), this work established†¦    Be Critical Acknowledge the limitations of your study, and those of the other works you discuss. Limitations may include small sample size, non-random sampling, and incompleteness of data, e.g. some potentially influential factors were left out. Explain how these affect the interpretation of findings: The explained variance was only 34%, which means that over half of the difference between high and low performers should be attributed to other factors than examined.    Use Visuals Present your findings as figures, diagrams, and tables whenever possible. Visuals are easier to interpret than plain text; relying on them will enhance your presentation and probably win you a few extra points. Construct Effective Paragraphs State your main idea in the first sentence. Then, support it with bits of evidence from the literature or your own primary research. At the end, include a wrap-up sentence stating the practical implications or limitations. Avoid Plagiarism Attribute any words or ideas of other people to the source, regardless of whether you cite them directly or paraphrase. Double-check not only the referencing style required by your university (i.e. Harvard, Chicago, APA, etc.), but also the needed edition of the referencing rules. Make It Shine Around 10% of the mark is awarded for presentation; so, leave enough time for polishing the structure, style, and appearance of your research paper. Make sure that the numbering is correct, and you have no hanging lines or unintended blank spaces. Tables should not be split between pages. If a table is too large to fit into one, better put it in the Appendices. The attention to detail is key to producing a winning research paper. Organising and presenting your findings are no less important than the research itself; so, make sure you get them right.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dress Codes And The School System - 959 Words

Several altercations have occurred in today’s decade with dress codes in schools. Girls are being called out of the classroom in the middle of a lesson and even slut shammed by teachers and administration. Dress codes have gone from a way to keep children safe from gang-related violence and bullying from peers, to sexist comments and unfair punishments. Even though dress codes provide structure in schools, dress codes can provoke sexism and cause low self-esteem. Fashion changes every decade along with the idea of what is acceptable in society. Even though today’s fashion is a slightly more revealing, it still is no reason for the undeniable slut shamming that is taking place in elementary and high schools. School is an institution for educating children. A person’s brain does not fully finish developing until mid-twenties, and this is why kids embrace some the most influential lessons in the school system. However, there is a detrimental message being sent home with young girls everyday. According to TIME, girls are covering themselves to be protected from the looks and comments of the male. Also, Laura Bates explains that in the school system today, adolescent girls are being taught that their bodies are dangerous, and boys have the right to objectify and harass them. â€Å"We have received thousands of testimonies from girls who have complained about being verbally harassed, touched, groped, chased, followed, licked, and assaulted at school, only to be told: â€Å"he just likesShow MoreRelatedDress Codes In the School System Essays1399 Words   |  6 PagesDress codes have long been the subject of debate in our educational institutions for many years. Administrators have struggled to find effective ways to deal with discipline problems. The introduction of dress codes has been a common intervention in our educational system to help decrease the number of disciplinary issues that are dealt with on a daily basis. Topics such as gang act ivity, bullying, increasing violence and Freedom of Expression have been thrown into the discussion, causing controversyRead MoreSchool Dress Code And Anti Dress Codes Essay855 Words   |  4 Pagesaffected by dress codes for many years. Others, for better or for worse, never had to deal with them. It has been debated for years between parents, students, and school systems alike as to whether or not dress codes are appropriate to enforce. This essay will summarize, make an argument, and analyze Krystal Miller’s article on this subject, titled, â€Å"School Dress Codes†. â€Å"School Dress Codes† is a 1990 article about the issues surrounding various city’s experiences with enforcing a school dress codeRead MoreArgument Against School Uniforms Should Not Be Banned1556 Words   |  7 PagesArgument Against School Uniforms My disagreement against school dress code is that public schools should not make the student go to school uniforms. Students should be able to wear any appropriate clothing they want to wear. School uniforms are not the way to be unsuccessful in education. School uniforms are a waste of time to have in a public school system. Teachers should make the students go home and change into school appropriate clothes. Public schools should give students a chance on what theyRead MoreSchool Dress Code Essay1709 Words   |  7 PagesDress Code: The Restriction of Expression Approximately 64% of the United States public education system requires a strict dress code. How does the dress code affect the students and how does it benefit them? Do the students have a say in this dress code policy? Do they have a fair vote on how dress code violations should be addressed? So many questions on how the students defend their rights in the public-school system, yet they cannot have the opportunity to have their opinions heard. Dress codeRead MoreDress Code in High School Essay568 Words   |  3 Pagesway teens dress has become a daily argument in homes and schools. Many issues have gone all the way US Supreme Court. More than half of the country’s schools have some form of dress code, but there is no gold standard of what to wear in high school. Its a controversy over constitutional rights, gender, and politics. The pros and cons of dress code in schools have many people on the fence of whether or not to agree. Safety, discipline, and bullying are big reasons for dress codes in high schoolRead MoreStudent Dress Code Essay1134 Words   |  5 PagesA popular debate topic in today’s school system is the concept of student dress codes. The idea of a school dress code tends to mainly target female entire however, males are still affected by it. Girls, no matter what their age or where they are from, are being sexualized for wearing clothing that doesn’t cover their shoulders. People are accusing young females of wearing â€Å"distracting† outfits, which is jeopardizing their male classmate’s education. Not only is this shaming girls, but it is alsoRead MoreDress Codes Are Dangerous, Powerful, And Sexualized1539 Words   |  7 PagesDress codes teach children that girls’ bodies are dangerous, powerful, and sexualized. However, boys are biologically programmed to objectify and harass them. That is perfectly okay in society’s eye. It is a 99oF day. A girl goes to school with no air conditioning. She wears a racerback style tank top and shorts that reaches her mid-thigh. She is pulled out of class by her teacher to change into something more suitable for school. She says she does not have any other clothes. She is forced to changeRead MoreSchools Are For Learning, Not Fashion Essay556 Words   |  3 PagesI thought school was for learning; not for a fashion show. A dress code should be required in all public schools to promote better student behavior, decrease costs to parents and increase school safety by eliminating gang-related clothing. A uniform dress code would curve discipline problems and distractions while improving overall student behavior. By requiring students to adhere to a dress code, learning will be enhanced. For this purpose, a dress code will implement discipline toward learningRead MoreThe Importance Of School Dress Codes1132 Words   |  5 Pages Every school has a dress code in their extensive school handbook. There are mountains upon mountains of dress code lists that go on and on forever, and many people are wondering why. Many schools believe that school dress codes help the environment of the school. That is why there are so many more dress codes pertaining to girls than to boys, just what OCR thinks as well by stating a dress code, â€Å"Shorts too short. Shoulder straps on her top too thin. Skirt exposing too much skin above her kneesRead MoreSchool Uniform Policies Around The World905 Words   |  4 Pages High school students are seen walking down their school’s hallways wearing baggy sweat pants, tight revealing clothing, or outrageous piercings and hair colors. Would you feel confiden t in your student’s principle wore fitted tank tops and joggers whenever he or she pleased? Approximately one in five schools enforce a dress code, becoming common in America in the mid-1990s (â€Å"School Uniforms.†). Regulating what is acceptable for students to wear is a growing issue, because of the new society based

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Cold War And The Pre Wwi Conditions - 1591 Words

To comprehend the significance of Balance of Power, we ought to make the inquiry of what we see by `power’. Although it’s hard to characterize or quota it, power is the capacity to â€Å"do something or act in a particular way† or even Nye (2009:65) contends â€Å"the ability to achieve one’s purposes or goals.† At the end of the day, the possibility to impact other individuals to do what you need them to do. As several academics would approve that balance of power can scarcely have an accurate meaning. In the nineteenth-century, British open-minded Richard Codden gave a convincing definition which expresses that balance of power is â€Å"a chimera – an undescribed, indescribable, incomprehensible nothing†. Although, this essay will attempt to comprehend, investigate and discriminatingly examine the way of this idea utilizing two examples from the late 19th and 20th century, i.e. the Cold War and the pre-WWI conditions. In any case, the 19th century was checked by stability and nonattendance of fighting because of the longing to make equilibrium, peace and oblige worldwide roughness after the last thrashing of Napoleon I in 1815. In order to create a genuine balance of power, this was attained using an alternate rule going for peace – the concert of Europe. As Sheehan (1996:122) contends ‘the concert system was not a development of balance practice but rather represented a quite different approach to international security’. Moreover, Fay (referred to in Sheehan 1966:122) states that ‘TheShow MoreRelatedDid the Treaty of Versailles Promote Hitler to Power846 Words   |  4 Pages In the words of John Green, â€Å"The truth resists simplicity†. Assigning the blame of WWII to the Treaty of Versailles is far too simple of an explanation. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI while sanctioning and punishing Germany, forced Germany to pay reparations. These reparatio ns are said to have caused economic challenges in Germany, which allowed Hitler to take control on nationalist fervor. Thus, the story goes, that the Treaty of Versailles made Hitler’s rise to power, and his startingRead MoreRussia s Public And Secret Actions1457 Words   |  6 Pagesbrink of global war, and on two occasions these global crises led to terrible world wars. The First World War, was called the Great War, because there had never been a war that was so terrifying, or encompassing. The Second World War, was worse in comparison, but both started from very small incidents that cascaded into enormous conflicts that engulfed most of the world’s countries. Today we can look to Russia and their actions in Eastern Europe as the next inclinations of a global war. Several aspectsRead MoreWorld War II ( 1939 )1486 Words   |  6 PagesWorld War II (1939 – 1945) was the second global conflict of the 20th century, which resulted in the deaths of millions. The d evastating war was, like its precursor, the result of complex and historical political, economic and social tensions. It was the largest armed conflict in history, and desolated more civilians than ever before. Consequently, it shaped and determined the outcome of the modern world as we know it. Focusing on Germany, it is clear how their post-WWI treatment led to the birthRead MoreContexts of Metropolis and 19841295 Words   |  6 Pagesof mutinies and strikes especially from the army who were weakened from war with Germany and did not feel like they had the capacity to shut down the outbreak Socialists had support from lower classes and political left with the Provisional Government holding state power leading to a period of dual power ensuing World War I Germany had to pay off large amounts of reparations money and debt as a result of its defeat in WWI Workers suffered as the ones who had to labour hard to keep Germany fromRead MoreEssay on Global History from the 15th Century2523 Words   |  11 PagesEurope and the United States, whose purpose was to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted science and intellectual interchange and opposed superstition, intolerance and abuses by church and state. European states ended the Thirty Years’ War with the Peace of Westphalia (1648), which laid the foundations for a system of independent, competing states. They also mutually recognized their rights to organize their domestic and religious affairs and agreed that political and diplomatic affairsRead MoreThe Advantages of Conscription1719 Words   |  7 Pagesprepares to go to war, they are faced with the dilemma of ensuring that they have a sufficient number of trained army personnel to carry out any missions they feel are necessary. The problem that sometimes arises is that the military finds itself understaffed, while already on the eve of war. This results in a scramble to recruit and train battle ready men, while using the small amount of soldiers already trained. In describing the United States military condition on the eve of the War with Mexico,Read MoreReid E Becketts Explaination of His War Experiences in a Letter to Leila McGee2254 Words   |  10 Pagespostcard, addressed to Leila McGee of Kemptville, Ontario. Signed â€Å"R.E.B.†, Private Reid Edison Beckett, was a member of the of the 11th Reserve Battalion from the time of his enlistment in September 24, 1914 until the end of the first World War. 1 Before the Great War, Beckett’s military service began with the 56th Lesgar Rifles based in Ottawa.2 Between his service with the 56th Rifles and his enlistment in the 1914, Beckett married and worked as a carpenter in the town of Oxford in Leeds and GrenvilleRead MoreDiscussion on Whether Stalin Was a Necessary Evil Essay2325 Words   |  10 Pagespeasants, and capitalism was in its infancy. Lenin realised that in order to bring about revolution Marxism would have to be adopted to suit these conditions. Lenin developed the argument that the economic resources that imperialism provided were used to buy off workers in capitalist countries by improving working and living conditions. This made workers less revolutionary, as the system did not appear to be treating them badly. His view of the dictatorship of the ProletariatRead MoreMarine Corps History Essay3249 Words   |  13 PagesNicholas. The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War and as the last of the Navys ships were sold, the Continental Navy and Marines disbanded. Following the formal re-establishment of the Marine Corps on July 11, 1798, Marines fought in conflicts with France, landed in Santo Domingo and conducted operations against the Barbary pirates along the Shores of Tripoli. Marines participated in numerous operations during the War of 1812, including the defense of Washington at BladensburgRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words   |  163 Pages The Laws of War and Neutrality 24 CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle 28 CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence 33 CHAPTER 13: Arms Control in the Nuclear Age 36 Chapter 14: Measures to Reduce Tensions and Prevent War 41 CHAPTER 16: The Law of the Sea 43 CHAPTER 17: The Constitutional Framework for the Division of Nat’l Security Powers Between Congress, the President and the Court 48 The 1973 War Powers Resolution 49 II. The War Powers Resolution:

Introduction to Ethics and Business Law Free-Samples for Students

Questions 1.Was it a term of the contract between Mikaela and Tower Flours that the almond flour would be gluten free? (5 marks) 2.Was there an implied term in Dan and Jacobs contract with Mikaela, that their wedding cake would be gluten-free? (3.Was the icing colour a condition or a warranty of the contract? (3 marks) 4.Is Mikaela still responsible for the icing being the wrong colour on Kimikos cake? Answers: 1.In the present case there is a lady namely Mikaela running a cake shop. She sources her ingredients from a shop i.e. Tower Flours. The shop owner in the case of Tower Flours is Ricky. Prior to placing an order from the shop, Mikaela asked from Ricky as to whether the flour they sell is free from gluten. She made this enquiry with the thought process that flour containing gluten might harm the customers health. In the present case the customers Dan and Jacob had ordered for almond flour cake and they had specifically made no request for the ingredients to be gluten free. From the present case it can be inferred that an online contract has been entered between Mikaela, the owner of the cake shop and Ricky, the owner of Tower Flours. However it can be understood that the terms of the contract had not been expressly mentioned in the online contract[1]. Whatever discussion and agreement had been done included the terms which were not specifically mentioned in the online contract. Hence it is essential to mention the terms and conditions in a written manner because in case there is a breach of any term or condition it can be easily contested in the court for redress. Hence there seems to be absence of an express contract. The terms have been agreed upon in an implied manner[2]. The online contract has no clear mention of the facts that the cake delivered does not contain any gluten. However it was clearly discussed in an oral manner that the almond flour that would be used for making the cake would be gluten free. The rules of commercial contracts suggest that an agreement entered between two parties must contain terms and conditions in an explicit written manner[3]. As per the common law of Australia, it is imperative that some of the important terms and conditions of a contract should be expressly mentioned. 2.In the present case there is a wedding for which a cake has been ordered. The bride and groom in this case are Dan and Jacob respectively. Herein Dan and Jacob had order a cake which had to be made from almond flour. However they had not expressly mentioned that the cake should not contain any gluten. It has been seen that Dan suffers from coeliac disease and has a severe reaction after the consumption of the cake. The order given in this case was only for a cake made out of almond flour. There was no clear instruction suggesting that the cake should be free from gluten. Thus it can be inferred that there was no implied term present which suggested that cake must be devoid of gluten. However the Australian Consumer law is applicable nationally. There are certain terms which are not mentioned clearly in a contract[4]. They can be inferred only through the intent and conduct of the parties to the contract. For example, any company has their own confidentiality policy. Thus if a staff discloses any confidential information out of the organisation, he will be held for causing breach. Usually terms are decided by parties to the contract. However rules and provisions of the consumer can imply certain terms into the contract. As per the consumer law, it is the duty of the seller to ensure that the goods sold to the customer are of high quality and does not cause any harm or damage to the customer. It is upon the court to take into consideration the existing situation[5]. On the basis of the situation the court can decide as to which term is to be considered or not to be considered to address the breach. Thus in the present case Dan and Jacob can use the provisions of th e consumer protection law to sue Mikaela for the breach of contract. However in the present case Mikaela can claim defence that she had no knowledge of the cake containing gluten. She can claim breach of contract and counter sue Ricky for not complying with the terms and conditions. She can take recourse of the provisions of the consumer laws of Australia for holding Ricky liable. She might face issues of proving the fact there was a discussion pertaining to the need of the cake being gluten free. She can take recourse of the provisions of Misrepresentation Act 1972 for her claim[6]. 3.In the present situation there is another contract entered between Kimiko, a customer and Mikaela, the owner of the cake shop. Under the case scenario, Kimiko has set certain terms and conditions prior to placement of an order. She had stated that she wanted a chocolate cake containing purple and blue icing. The purpose of the cake was for a sports function. There was a sign displayed earlier by Mikaela on the wall near the counter where it was mentioned that the organisation does not take responsibility for a warranty breach. On the delivery of the cake it was discovered by Kimiko that icing colour on the cake was green and blue. This was contrary to what Kimiko had ordered. Hence it clearly depicts the breach of a condition. It was expressly mentioned by Kimiko that there should be two characteristic of the cake. One that the cake had to be a round chocolate cake and the cake needed to have purple and blue icing[7]. The purpose of having a blue and purple icing was of significant essence as it would serve a specific purpose. Thus the negligent act on the part of Mikaela has led to a breach of condition. Kimiko is entitled to repudiate the entire contract and claim for damages. Mikaela cannot claim that the icing colour was a warranty. 4.During the order being placed, it was specifically mentioned by Kimiko that the cake should be round and be of chocolate flavour. She was very specific about the colour of the icing of being purple and blue. She was very specific about the icing as it would serve a certain purpose. Any contract is comprised of two very important terms namely conditions and warranties. Conditions are those important terms of a contract which if breached entitle the innocent party to exercise certain powers[8]. Hence the innocent party can either cancel the contract or ask the defaulting party to pay damages for the loss or breach of condition. Conditions are classified as a pre condition and subsequent condition. In both the cases they are treated as condition as a whole. In the present case the scenario suggest that the requirement set by Kimiko is a pre condition. The concept of condition can be described with an example. Suppose there is a term that a buyer of a property is entitled to vacant possession it refers to a condition. If the seller is unable to provide vacant possession, the buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract as well as claim for damages. These remedies are usually clearly mentioned in the contract[9]. The procedure that could be suggested to Kimiko is that she should first provide a notice to Mikaela citing that the breach should be made right within a specific time period. If the notice is not complied with, Kimiko can take further recourse. In case Kimiko cancels the contract due to the breach of the condition, she will be entitled to get back any advance money provided by her to Mikaela for the p reparation of the cake. References J. W Carter,Contract Law In Australia(LexisNexis Butterworths, 1st ed, 2013). J. W Carter,Cases And Materials On Contract Law In Australia(LexisNexis Butterworths, 1st ed, 2012). Eugene Clark et al,Contract Law In Australia(Kluwer Law International, 1st ed, 2013). Justin Malbon and Luke Nottage,Consumer Law Policy In Australia New Zealand(Federation Press, 1st ed, 2013). David Echeverry Botero, "Contract Interpretation Law In Australia: It Is A Maze, Not A Straight Way" (2015) 2IUSTA. Greg Marston and Tamara Walsh, "A Case Of Misrepresentation" (2008) 17Griffith Law Review. Charles E Chadman,The Elements Of The Law Of Sales Of Personal Property And Equity Or Chancery Jurisprudence(Bridge Publishing Group LLC, 1st ed, 2009). J. W Carter,Carter's Breach Of Contract(LexisNexis Butterworths, 1st ed, 2011). Neil Andrews,Contractual Duties(Sweet Maxwell, 1st ed, 2011).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tobacco Essay Example For Students

Tobacco Essay ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE Tobacco smoking has long been recognized as a major cause of death and disease, responsible for an estimated 434,000 deaths per year in the United States. After the Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon General stated that cigarettes cause lung cancer there was a tremendous movement to make cigarettes illegal. Now the debate is on environmental tobacco smoke also known as secondhand smoke, passive smoking, and sidestream smoke. The worry is that when non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke they face the same health hazards as smokers. Tobacco smoke contains more than forty known carcinogens. Sidestream smoke carries these carcinogens into the air (Sussman 12). According to scientific studies tobacco smoke contains four thousand chemicals, and at least sixty are known to cause cancer. Carbon monoxide is the main gas in cigarette smoke. This gas competes with oxygen for binding sites on red blood cells, and results in depleting the body of oxygen (QA). Researchers studied 1,906 women of which 653 developed lung cancer. Women married to smokers were thirty percent more likely to develop lung cancer than those married to non-smokers (LeMaistre 1). We will write a custom essay on Tobacco specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now According to the Environmental Protection Agency a thirty percent risk is only a small relative risk. The Environmental Protection Agency released its report stating that environmental tobacco smoke is a human lung carcinogen, responsible for approximately three thousand lung cancer deaths annually in American non-smokers. Environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Group A carcinogen, the highest ranking under the EPAs carcinogen assessment guidelines. Book Reports

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Great Gatsby as a Modernist Novel Essays

The Great Gatsby as a Modernist Novel Essays The Great Gatsby as a Modernist Novel Essay The Great Gatsby as a Modernist Novel Essay Essay Topic: The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a novel which includes a variety of literary genres, one of which being the modernist genre, a literary movement which had its peak of popularity between 1910-1960. This is shown through; Fitzgerald’s use of first person narration to give an undecided view point of society, which can be seen as social criticism, symbolism, allegorical characters, and poetic language. Fitzgerald has chosen Nick Caraway to be the narrator for the whole duration of the novel to present his views of social criticism of the 1920s in an indecisive way. Fitzgerald uses Nick’s narration to presents the criticisms of society as they are, without giving his own opinion, he leaves it open to interpretation. This is evidently shown through Jordan stating, â€Å"I don’t care what I do as long as I have fun†. Fitzgerald has used Nick’s first person narration to present the obvious criticism of carelessness within the 1920s society due to the newly found hedonistic attitude. Although Nick has not specifically given his opinion on it, he has left the judgement open to the interpretation of the reader, as he has questioned the decline of morals within the society. This hedonistic and careless attitude towards life in the 1920s was a result of the brutality faced in the world war and people celebrating life and living it to the fullest. This again stre sses how The Great Gatsby is a modernist novel as the modern writer wrote in response to the post world war depression, by questioning society, life, and morals and also as Nick is indecisive towards the hedonistic attitude as he criticised it, yet he continued to associate himself with the people. New technology was another social criticism that is expressed by the modern writer. This is shown in the novel through the contrasting descriptions of the car as the â€Å"brisk yellow bug†, becoming the â€Å"death car†. The two juxtaposing descriptions reveal Fitzgerald’s undecided view of the car a

Friday, February 28, 2020

Teaching, Reading and Writing for Students Who are Deaf and Hard of Case Study

Teaching, Reading and Writing for Students Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) - Case Study Example According to Cornish (2011, p.20), high numbers of children in remote areas develop hearing loss, with some having no eardrums. It is however certain that children with hearing loss perform poorly academically. The basics of learning in kindergarten involve repeating what the teacher has said, however, for DHH students, this mission is close to impossible. The author adds that these children have a high chance of dropping out in school as they feel stupid, therefore developing behavioral problems, and hence at risk of being arrested or imprisoned. Nevertheless, there exist several forms of languages and communication used by deaf or hard hearing students. Forms of Communication Used by Instructors and DHH Students Teaching, Reading and Writing fluency American Sign Language (ASL) is a widely used language among the deaf in United States of America and in Canada; this sign language relies mostly on English. ASL is regarded as the first language for the deaf or hard of hearing students ; whereby, these students are expected to acquire this sign language first. It is a visual English language that has no written components, and involves symbolic terms; therefore, students must be capable of translating texts into an understandable format (White, 2011, p.21). It is considered an easier first language since it is mostly used at an early age for those born with DHH. Manually Encoded English is another communication system used by those with DHH; this system represents words in English sentences by signs from the American Sign Language. Cued speech use mouth movement to differentiate the sounds of the spoken language from one another, with an aim... This paper stresses that DHH students experience social difficulties especially around their hearing peers, however, when these two groups of students participated in similar activities, the level of interaction increased. Family involvement in DHH student’s social lives can influence the social outcomes, since parents act like coaches for their children. Therefore, they are able to discuss challenging issues that are facing their children, thus encouraging them to developing social interactions with their peers. This report makes a conclusion that there is limited research on oral reading fluency of DHH students; nevertheless, measures to improve reading skills for these particular students should be implemented. This research proves that DHH students continue to drag behind compared to their hearing peers academically. However, with the involvement of parents, DHH students are able to achieve confidence. Therefore, parents of such students should take the first step towards learning sign language in order to be effective in communication, hence capable of motivating their children. DHH students are affected by the challenge of achievements academically; however, graphic novels among other learning approaches have proved to be efficient in communicating to DHH students. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may encounter challenging issues that they cannot address because of the nature of their disability.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

UPS Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

UPS Case Study - Essay Example There are very few companies operating in the Packaged Express industry and one of them is UPS. In 2008, the packaged express industry was dominated by FedEx which accounted for 58.2% of the market share from delivering overnight letters. UPS earned a revenue of 15.6% and United States Postal service accounted for 12.2%. The Packaged Express industry comprises three segments: Overnight letters, Courier service and Small parcels. UPS had a firm and strong background. UPS was one of the dominant firms in the â€Å"Small parcel† segment. UPS and FedEx ranked internationally as one of the worlds best packaged delivery sytem. Apart from its long standing history and firm background, the company UPS has always maintained an efficient distribution network (White and Belman, 2005). In the late 1980s the company faced certain challenges that any shipping corporation would have faced. These included shipping errors like delivering the package at the wrong address or loading the delivery package in the wrong bus. These kinds of errors occurred frequently. At that time UPS relied on manual data but gradually it started investing in technology because it realized that internet and technology acted like a catalyst which improved the distribution network of the company (Motiwalla and Thompson, 2008). The company conducted a SWOT analysis immediately to identify its threats and weakness. Cost cutting was their major initiative. They laid off 2000 employees working in the Washington headquarter in the year 1971. This policy was continued by the other branches of UPS. The company realized that reduced staff and increased machinery would double their productivity levels. However, there was a negative impact on the employees and the company profits. The faulty machineries and the reduced number of staff could not cope up with the sudden pressures. Moreover, the existing staff could not recreate the charm of the old staff. Many employees were forced to take a voluntary

Friday, January 31, 2020

Negative mass media influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Negative mass media influence - Essay Example The more mass media resources we have, the more needed information we can receive. New resources of mass media appear every day and the old ones are developing to help us receive important information any time we need. On the other hand, the negative influence of mass media is obvious as the promotion of violence takes place very often. Such a promotion prevents people from normal development and influences negatively the individuals’ behavior in the society. Now mass media imposes a great influence on people. Actually, we can’t hide from this influence as mass media penetrates all the areas of life. Furthermore, the development of the modern culture is closely connected to mass media because the role of mass media in the formation of people’s views is very important. In this view the impact of mass media may be very negative as we can see much violence on TV or in newspapers (Bagdikian, 2000). The influence of mass media on people is increasing and the number of negative consequences of this influence is also growing dramatically. It is no need to mention that violence damages psychological development of people as the cruelty people see in films or read about in newspapers causes aggressiveness. In any case the violence in media negatively influences the development of children and spoils our future generations.... TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth† (Effects of Mass Media on Young Generation). When people frequently meet violence in media, they get used to it. It happens inevitably and the process is gradually affecting people’s psychology. Slowly but surely violence becomes something like everyday issue, people start to perceive it as something normal at the same time as violence certainly represents an abnormal and awful phenomenon. It causes aggressive behavior that is also already treated as a norm by many people in the modern society (Josephson, 1995). The main problem is that mass media contributes to positive perception of violent acts that is absolutely unacceptable. Jarred explains: â€Å"There are those who believe that violent programs contribute less to violence in society than do other recognized elements. The media in general has been identified as portraying lifestyles that are beyond the means of many people, particularly for those who are unemployed. Such lifestyle portrayals are seen by some as being more likely to encourage violence and crime than violent television programming by encouraging materialistic attitudes and a reduced intolerance to delays in attaining a desired lifestyle. Even media coverage of unemployment and homelessness is viewed as engendering feelings of hopelessness and bitterness that can result in anti-social behaviour† (Jarred, 2001, p.28) There is such a term as â€Å"happy violence† that was generated as a result of violence promotion. Such violence seems to be humorous and funny and this results in increasing of number of violent acts in real life. Under the influence people can’t control their

Thursday, January 23, 2020

In Ozymandias the subject of the passing of time is different to :: English Literature

In Ozymandias the subject of the passing of time is different to Coy Mistress Compare the ways in which the poems you have studied deal with the passing of time. All the three poems deal with the subject of the passing of time in different ways. In â€Å" His Coy Mistress† Marvell uses time to say let us form a sexual relationship together by saying â€Å"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime† which means if we had all the time in the world we could do whatever we wanted to do. But we don’t have all the time so let us form the relationship now. In â€Å"Ozymandias† the subject of the passing of time is different to â€Å"Coy Mistress† because the poet is saying no tyranny can beat time. This is symbolised by the statue in the poem. The reason it is different is because it’s not saying marry me of have a relationship it is shown by the statue. In â€Å" To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time is similar to â€Å"Coy Mistress† because the poet is speaking to the women by saying â€Å"Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may go marry† which means don’t be shy use your time and whilst your are young go and marry. â€Å"To the Virgin† and â€Å"Coy Mistress† are different to â€Å"Ozymandias† because Ozymandias is about a time defeating human power and the other two poems are about love or human desire beating time. In â€Å"Coy Mistress, the poem has a soft touch. Marvell shows his intelligence by referring to exotic places for instance the Indian Ganges in his poem. He also uses biblical references like 'before the flood', which is supposed to represent the idea of Noah's Ark and how a big storm came causing a flood and animals dying. These hyperboles also include phrases like 'an hundred years,' 'two hundred,' and 'thirty thousand,' so that he can exaggerate his feelings and emotions. Metaphors used like 'winged chariot' which means to describe time, death hurrying near. 'Vegetable love' helps to expand the meaning and clarify his feeling and emotions that he has for his mistress. The idea of 'vegetable love' denotes the meaning about the ancient division of souls that they were vegetative, sensitive and rational. All the poems that I am studying were written in the era of metaphysical poetry (1590 - 1670). The idea of this style was that of exploring ideas through intricate and startling images. The themes of metaphysical poems are usually that of religion, love or wordplay. Metaphysical poems tend to have underlying themes, often written with

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Women Of No Importance Essay

Explore the ways Wilde presents late nineteenth century women. What he is saying about the fashionable women of the time, their interests, ideas, attitudes and treatment in A Women f No Importance? A woman of no importance is a play about the upper and middle class. Wilde uses the women to portray is attitudes and views on the society of the nineteenth century. He portrays women in a way women would not have behaved at that time; this gives a comical atmosphere to the audience. In 1893 A women of no importance would have been very entertaining to watch, the audience would have found the play amusing however they would have been laughing at themselves as Wilde wrote the play to criticize the society. The play’s first setting is a female home with conversation between women; Wilde may have done this to show the importance of women. Lady Caroline is the first character the audience meet; Wilde may have also done this for a purpose. From the title ‘Lady’ we know Lady Caroline is a wealthy and high up in the aristocracy in England. She is a typical member of the high society; she has a very dominating overbearing personality and shows pride in her position. The Audience would have immediately recognised this from Lady Caroline’s conversation with Hester. She speaks down to her American guest, Hester who is travailing alone, â€Å"you have no country houses, I am told, in America?† Another theme that Wilde conveys through women is the theme Hypocrisy and double standards. This is again shown through Lady Caroline and her attitudes towards the puritan Hester. Lady Caroline criticises lady Hunstaton choice of guests â€Å"But Mrs Allonby is hardly a very suitable person† but then praises Lady Hunstaton for inviting her to a pleasant party, Wilde is effectively satirising members of high society. Hester vocalises her opinion that she dislikes Mrs Allonby but Lady Caroline patronises Hester â€Å"I am not sure, that foreigners like yourself should cultivate like or dislikes.† suggesting that Hester is not a valued member of society. Wilde mocks the attitude of the high society through the ignorant women. Lady Caroline is not as knowledgeable as she likes to make out, she continually keeps getting the name of the politician wrong, mistaking him for ‘Me kettle’ â€Å"Kevil, my love kevil.† The audience would mock Lady Caroline for this foolish mistake she keeps making. Hester Worsley’s title is changed as the play progresses. Hester is first referred to as ‘Miss Worsley’ then she becomes known as the ‘American’ and finally ‘A puritan’. Hester is a contrast to all the other women in A women of no importance and all the women take a dislike to her she told me yesterday, and in quite a loud voice, that she was only eighteen. It was most annoying.† She has strong morals, values and opinions which she is not afraid to express ‘I dislike London Dinner Parties’. Wilde may have used Hester’s character to present his on views on the English aristocratic society. Members of the high society frown upon those who are unmarried â€Å"I don’t think that England should be represented abroad by unmarried man† being married is more socially accepted. This gives the audience an impression of how shallow the society was and how status and social position dictate how people lived their lives. Lady Caroline’s and Sir Johns is very different to a traditional Victorian marriage. Usually the man is the dominant one and women were known as men’s property. However Wilde contrasts this view, by Lady Caroline having control over her husband, being the dominant one in the relationship â€Å"John you should have your muffler. What is the use of my always knitting mufflers for you if you don’t wear them?† Their relationship is clearly showing a lack of love and affection. Their relationship is more like a child and parent relationship because of the idea of Lady Caroline ‘spoiling’ Sir John. Wilde is suggesting that they are together out of convenience and presentation. Lady Caroline gives her husband orders in the same way lady Hunstaton orders her servants â€Å"you had better go and put your overshoes at once.† During the Victorian times when A women of no importance was written, women rights were begging to increase. In 1857 the matrimonial causes Act was established, in 1882 married women’s property act was confirmed, which gave women more rights and power over themselves, property and their children. These factors contributed to the way Wilde presented certain women especially Lady Caroline and Mrs Allonby. Mrs Allonby is very similar to lord Illingworth they are both described as ‘dandies’ they use language which is intended to shock the audience. At the end of act one is it clear that Mrs Allonby is flirting with Lord Illingworth â€Å"What a thoroughly bad man you must be!† Wilde creates Mrs Allonby as a character who considers being a person who restricts the morals and norms of the society, in Victorian times there would have been very strict morals and social codes. â€Å"Women adore failures, they lean on us† Mrs Allonby is going against the stereotype, the man having control within Victorian marriages. At the end of Act one Lord Illingworth reads Mrs Arbuthnot’s letter, he says â€Å"no one in particular A Woman of no importance†, the title of the play, which demonstrates Wilde’s views on the treatment of women in society. Act 1 ends giving the audience an impression of a self-concerned, hypocritical society. Wilde presents these ideas through the use of comedy which give a strong message to the audience.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Citizen Kane Analysis - 870 Words

Through his 1941 film, Citizen Kane, Orson Welles’ portrays the complex nature of individuals as he explores the defining characteristics of the human condition through the depiction of the protagonist, Charles Foster Kane. The film’s enduring values is attributed to its explorations of relevant contextual concerns present throughout the 20th century and contemporary society. Through Welles’ use of innovative cinematic construction and textual flair, Welles highlights the complexities in shaping an individual’s identity, whilst also exploring the corrupting nature power has on an individual and their relations. Through the fragmented portrayal of Kane, we are positioned to understand the complexity of defining an identity. Welles’†¦show more content†¦Thompson’s epiphany â€Å"I don’t think any word can explain a man’s life†, when he describes Rosebud as â€Å"just a piece of a jigsaw puzzle†, serves as a motif to reflect Kane’s fragmented and incomplete identity, thus presenting Citizen Kane itself as a puzzle, subsequently manifesting as the camera pans out from Xanadu to the â€Å"No Trespassing† sign, completing the cyclic structure of the film emphasising our incapacity to understand Kane’s true identity, thus undermining our efforts to decipher Kane’s world. Thus, the innovation and insight of Citizen Kane engages us through its exploration of the intricacy of human identity. Welles’ commentary on the controversial, yet universal contextual ideal of the American Dream is developed through Kane’s corruptive nature for the pursuit of power. This is exhibited within the â€Å"Declaration of Principles†, which at first, Kane’s youthful self pledges to be â€Å"a fighting and tireless champion for rights†. His use of emotive language, in combination with his white attire symbolises his initial pure determined ethics. However, the use of chiaroscuro lighting overshadows Kane, foreshadowing his eventual downfall. Ultimately, his corruption is subsequently exposed as he tears up the Declaration, mockingly referring it to as an â€Å"antique† revealing Kane’s descent into corruption and its repercussions on his moral integrity. Consequently, his ambition for power is revealed to have transformed his initialShow MoreRelatedCitizen Kane Analysis2693 Words   |  11 PagesFilm History Research Citizen Kane Film Essay Orson Welles Citizen Kane Success the first time around is very uncommon. Orson Welless first feature film richly realizes the full potential of excellent craftsmanship. Citizen Kane is almost indisputably the greatest achievement in the history of filming. In 1941, this film was considered by many as the best film ever made. This film is about the enormous conflict between two twentieth-century iconsRead MoreFilm Analysis Of Citizen Kane1299 Words   |  6 PagesCitizen Kane incorporates a well-rounded variety of shots and angles that make the film more entertaining. This movie is significant because the American people will always be able to relate to it. There will always be a rich politician who wants to change things for the better. Sometimes, scandal and broken promises ensue. The American people will always want someone that they can trust to make their lives better. It is interesting to note that this film combines multiple genres, giving it a factorRead MoreFilm Analysis : Citizen Kane Essay2071 Words   |  9 PagesTo help create his debut film Citizen Kane, Orson Welles assembled a talented group of artists and technicians who together produced a film that redefined cinema forever. During the film’s production process, Welles himself stated that making a film â€Å"is the biggest electric train set any boy ever had.† By this he meant that the production studio was his playground and he intended to use every tool at his disposal. Starting from the film’s very first shot; he proves this to be true. As the filmRead MoreFilm Analysis Of Citizen Kane1143 Words   |  5 PagesCitizen Kane was rife with innovations in cinematic technique and introduced many new and unique aspects of mise-en-scà ¨nà © that would thrive in films to come. Orson Welles was a young visionary whose career had been limited to stage production and radio until his first film, Citizen Kane. Uniquely, as someone new to the film industry, he retained full creative control of his very first project, co-writing, producing, directing, and starring as Kane himself. This unfounded level of trust for a newcomerRead MoreCitizen Kane Film Analysis1347 Words   |  6 Pagescinematic history in 1941 when he produced, co-wrote, directed, and starred in the revolutionary American mystery drama Citizen Kane. The movie follows Kane’s pursuit of power, and the dangers that lay beyond it, as well as Kane’s loss of innocence and the resonating effects that it has on he and his life. Welles’ co-writer Mankiewicz based the outline of the protagonist, Charles Foster Kane, on his former friend William Randolph Hearst. (See Slide ONE) Hearst, who built America’s most expansive newspaperRead MoreCitizen Kane Film Analysis1195 Words   |  5 PagesWelles’s Citizen Kane: The Blackmail Scene (Definite Version) â€Å"There’s only one person in the world to decide what I’m going to do – and that’s me.† – Charles Foster Kane from Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane. Orson Welles’ 1941 classic film Citizen Kane tells the story of Charles Forster Kane. The turning point of the film is when Jim Gettys attempts to blackmail Kane. The scene demonstrates Kane’s fall from grace through pride. His reactions to the other characters in this scene (Mrs. Kane, Susan AlexanderRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Citizen Kane By Orson Wells1303 Words   |  6 Pagesextract from the film ‘Citizen Kane’, directed by Orson Wells (1941) for this assignment. The technical aspects I have chosen to explore will be the use of both mise-en-scene and editing. Synopsis The clip I have selected from Citizen Kane is a montage scene that shows the protagonist Charles Foster Kane eating breakfast with his wife Emily. The scene is presented in the form of a narrative exposition from the mind of Jedediiah Leland, who is the ex business partner of Kane. The entirety of the sceneRead MoreHistorical Analysis of the Movie, Citizen Kane Essay1699 Words   |  7 Pages Historical Analysis, Citizen Kane: Camera Movement Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles, was an exemplary and ground-breaking work. In narrative structure and film style, Welles challenged classical Hollywood conventions and opened a path for experimentation in the later 1940s. Gregg Toland’s deep-focus cinematography and Welles’ use of low-key lighting are often discussed aspects of the movie. True, these were areas of innovation, but when watching the movie in class I was particularlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Orson Wells Citizen Kane1388 Words   |  6 PagesOrson Wells Citizen Kane (1941), is remembered as one of the greatest American films to be made. Its’ revolutionary story line and its new ideas that Orson Welles introduces in the film is what sets it apart from other films created at the time. The film depicts a young man, Charles Kane, who grew up wealthy and who eventually owns a newspaper. Throughout the movie, as hr grows more wealthy and powerful as he ages, he exhibits a distinct weakness that eventu ally leads to his downfall. Although theRead MoreAnalysis Of Orson Welles Citizen Kane1776 Words   |  8 PagesIn 1941, the release of Orson Welles Citizen Kane saw the New York Times label it as the riding crest of perhaps the most provocative publicity wave ever to float a motion picture†. Withstanding against contextual influences and alterations this historically epic melodrama has endured time, continuing to rouse meaning and differing interpretations for the individual of yesterday, today and tomorrows humanity. Setting precedent for a new world of cinematography to arise, Welles utilised the day’s