Friday, June 14, 2019

Educational Reform from a Personal Perspective Essay

Educational Reform from a Personal Perspective - Essay ExampleThat is, I program on becoming a better person so as to facilitate the introduction of a better educator that I believe I can become given the opportunities and challenges that are certain to come my way. For the next few years I will strive to apply the proper train of knowledge in creating different approaches in teaching that are constructive and applicable to my students. I will endeavor to incorporate technology and current trends in carrying out my academic goals and will constantly be on the lookout for current and up to-date methodologies and tenets in teaching. I will be more(prenominal) sure to differences in culture, levels of perception, behavior and other factors that mark the individuality of a student and will be more receptive and responsive to the needs that such short letter may call for. Most importantly, I will work hard to prepare my students to think critically and take on responsibilities in the context of life history in general and not look at the school as an indispensable institution that must be hurdled as an entry-way to life, but as a celebration that will mark their readiness to take on a more complex journey. What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles might you image and how will you overcome them? For the following years, I plan to develop a personal teaching style that would integrate cultural, academic and behavioral diversity by establishing a learning environment that highlights personal dignity and acceptance. That is, this method would take into consideration the geographic communities around the school and will engage the students in a multi-faceted education which would bring about character formation and social awareness (Dana 2009). This method would likewise teach my students to be conscious of verbal, non-verbal, as well as verbal underpinnings in communication so as to attain a more open and interested schoolroom where the s tudents will be conscious of their peers which would nurture community collaboration and peer support (Dewey 1997). I want to be able to establish a teaching method where the classroom is a describe where the students learn and not just from their teachers, but from themselves as well. I am envisioning a transformation of the schoolroom from a place where the teachers teach and the students attend into a ceremony where everyone will take part in the teaching and everyone will benefit from learning. What is one principle from the INTASC Principles website that you feel you must improve the closely to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development programs might you pursue to address the need to improve in this body politic? The tenth principle under the Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) stresses the importance of fostering interpersonal relationships in order to promote the eudaemonia of the students and place t hem healthier environment that would facilitate a better academic and personal growth. I have always believed that learning is a process more complex that having to listen and perceive (Dana 2009). I have always believed that several factors affect learning ability and that it could not be blamed solely on state funding, federal government priorities or even the quality of the educators (Gorton 2008). After all, the government may devote billions of dollars to education and the

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