Friday, July 26, 2019

Artist reaserch and comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Artist reaserch and comparison - Essay Example Born in 1967, and currently around 43 years of age, Tomma Abts was born in Germany but she currently lives in London, England. In fact, she has been living in London since 1995. She had a tough time during her early days since she had to jobs in telemarketing positions, which is not â€Å"her thing.† However, things have changed and for the past few years, she has been able to finance her living with her painting and art. Tomma Abts is for sure, one of most interesting and fascinating painters of the present times. As mentioned earlier that she never had any formal training. May be that explains why she does not seem to be following any traditional and pre defined rules of painting (Hoptman, Verwoert & Hainley, pp. 32-39). She has a completely different approach as compared to the other painters as if she is challenging the traditional and classical approach to painting. Beginning the painting without any pre defined objective, name, thought or approach for painting, always sticking to small paintings, (she says that all her paintings are 48 x 38 centimeters) and others show that she has some what a rebel inside her (Hoptman, Verwoert & Hainley, pp. 32-39). The upcoming section of this paper would go in the detail of her paintings while comparing it with the painting of Brice Marden. Without any doubts, Brice Marden is one of the biggest names in art industry. Born on October 15, 1938, he joined the Boston University for studying fine and applied arts in the year 1961. Moreover, his biography also shows that he holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Yale school of arts and architecture in the year 1963. Since then, he deserves the credit of brining up a new chapter in the art history. Although he is somewhat associated with the movement of minimalism in art, which is an old movement but he has taken it to completely different and levels in his own style. This American artist is not only a member of American Academy of art and Architecture but he has

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