Friday, November 1, 2019

Final Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final Paper - Essay Example ports of entry and fail to register through proper immigration channels, 2) storing, analyzing and integrating captured data with known criminal/terrorist databases through a data interoperability system, and 3) a GIS (Geographic Information System) module that uses biometrics data to map terrorist movement through U.S. borders. With such a capable program, DHS will have a powerful tool to identify and track terrorist movement within U.S. which does not register on immigration channels, integrating this information with law enforcement and intelligence data and helping coordinate terrorist prevention efforts of various federal agencies. Without TIDIS, we as a Nation face a significant risk of terrorists â€Å"slipping through the cracks† and possibly executing another attack such as 9/11 on U.S. soil. Importance of TIDIS if further underscored by the fact that such a system will drastically improve cooperation between intelligence and law enforcement communities in identifying and tracking terrorists, a deficiency which was identified by 9/11 commission in its findings and attempted to be rectified through Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act of 2004. Looking more closely at TIDIS system and methodology in determining particular technology solutions to meet our objectives, we concluded that biometrics technology will give DHS a capability to collect data and rapidly identify suspected terrorists as they pass through a point of entry, data interoperability function will enable rapid data analysis and sharing across multiple organizations and jurisdictions, and GIS function will allow for integration of biometrics data with geographic mapping capability. TIDIS will require several component systems such as XR-1000 biometrics/CCTV system for capturing biometrics data from traveling passengers at a checkpoint. It will also require XF-1500 data system for data warehouse and

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