Friday, November 15, 2019

Focus Of Supervision Analysis Social Work Essay

Focus Of Supervision Analysis Social Work Essay The focus of this supervision is to look at how our supervisiory relationship is working in regards to our different learning styles. Referral to Public Health Nurses (PHN) for girls in the in the Early Intervention Program (EIP). Wai Ora Girls Program one client has offended and one client has absconded reflection on practice. Feasibility study Community Coordinators have said there are no issues with youth crime in their area. Where to next? During this supervision my supervisor is to complete my second direct observation assessment. Discussion points Learning Styles We began the session by reviewing our learning styles. My supervisor asked me to fill out the 80 question Honey Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (2006) in my first week of placement. My learning style is a reflector and my supervisor has a pragmatist learning style. Reflectors: like to view the situation from different perspectives. They like to collect data, review and think carefully before coming to any conclusions. They enjoy observing others and will listen to their views before offering their own (Mumford, 1992). Pragmatists: are eager to try things out. They like concepts that can be applied to their job. They tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions and are practical and down to earth (Mumford, 1992). Therefore, we discussed how we can work together in supervision from these different learning styles to make it affective. My supervisor has identified as a pragmatist learner he does not like lengthy discussions and prefers to get straight to the point when it comes to discussions around practice. Where as because I am a reflector I like to discuss my learning through different perspectives at length before I am able to come to any conclusions around my learning. This can cause difficulties within our supervisory relationship and we need to work together so that I am able to make the most out of our supervision sessions and the field education placement in relation to my own learning style. My supervisor identified that he needs to be flexible in the different learning approaches that are presented by: Organising a range of opportunities for practice Using a blend of methods and materials that will help me learn Using a mixture of theory and practice focus in supervision Using learning materials that focus on the reflection of practice Formal and informal opportunities to learn Continuing teaching and learning styles discussion EIP Program I have identified a range of health issues presented by the girls who attend the EIP. In a previous supervision session it was discussed that I will contact the PHN to arrange health assessments for the girls that are presenting concerns. Following on from this I discussed with the volunteers of the Girls EIP which girls we believe could use a health assessment. On contacting the PHN it became apparent that we would be unable to get these girls health assessments as I did not have parental consent, and two girls are already involved with the PHN. Upon contacting the parents of the girls who are not already involved they did not give permission for their children to be assessed. I discussed with my supervisor that I still has concerns for these girls but because there is no parental consent we are unable to refer them to the nurses. We decided it is up to the volunteers and I to monitor the concerns, and if they became more evident to approach the parents again. Wai Ora Girls Program one of my clients who I have been working with has been arrested over the weekend and charged with driving with excess blood alcohol. I discussed with my supervisor the concerns I had around this charge and the events that had led to the young women driving whilst under the influence. We agreed that it would be best for me to notify her Child, Youth and Family Services (CYFS) social worker in regards to the concerns I had as it was beyond my level of involvement. Another one of the young women I have been working with has absconded over the weekend; I discussed with my supervisor what I should do next in regards to this client. My supervisor suggested that as we do not have any mandate to work with this young person and that it was not my responsibility to follow up with this young person, as her involvement with our agency is voluntary and if she does not wish to be involved that I was not to force her. I will contact her CYFS social worker to let her know that if the young person returns I am happy to continue working with her. Feasibility Study during supervision I discussed the information and negative feedback I had received from the Community Coordinators in regards to the feasibility of Te Roopu O Wai Ora working in Albany and the East Coast Bays areas. He said to document these conversations and the next step us to speak to CYFS, Police, and the local schools. Direct Practice Observation the second direct practice observation was completed in relation to the second Learning Outcome. This assessment bought out discussion around my resiliency as I have been confronted with a range of client issues through out my placement. We focused more closely on working cross-culturally in my practice with clients and I am often working with young people and their families who are of a different culture from my own. At the alterative education centre where I am placed two days a week I am the only female and pakeha person there. We discussed how I can critically reflect on my issues in practice and working cross-culturally (I will discuss this further in my critical reflection). Direct practice feedback from Fieldwork Educator My supervisor discussed how he views my experience as an advantage for the organisation; that he trusts me to manage my own workload and ask for help when I need it. The information my supervisor has feedback through this supervision and direct practice will lead me to further discussions and reflections in my critical reflection assignment: Grace has shown good levels of interviewing techniques on our observation of her at work. She has interviewed family members of our clients and shown experience beyond her years. Through supervision and on job training Grace has self-reflected on issues and questions she has been challenged with. She is not afraid to ask the hard questions. Grace is aware of her own feelings and background in working with different clients on a range of issues. She shows genuine empathy and an ability to engage with clients in a relaxed and professional manner. Working in the school setting as the only female and pakeha person, has enabled her to identify the differences in culture but also helped her to work cross-culturally with other staff and clients. Family visitation has also helped her to identify areas that need more training in. Suggested next steps for practice No Steps 1 Critically reflect on discussions in this supervision and the direct observation assessment in regards to working cross-culturally. 2 Contact CYFS in regards to the two young women in the Wai Ora Girls Club that are presenting with problems/concerns/absconding. 3 Attend EIP program and monitor their health issues 4 Contact police, CYFS and local schools in regards to Feasibility Study. What is the relationship between this supervision session and the B.Soc.Wk 2 learning objectives, generally and my contract specifically? The relationship between this supervision and the B.Soc.Work learning objectives and my contract were the discussions around my second learning outcome in relation to the second direct observation. I have demonstrated the appropriate use of self in a professional social work setting by exploring in supervision my practice, cultural awareness, resiliency, and my learning style. I have demonstrated my ability to initiate and articulate my own learning in my placement by reflecting on my learning style and discussing how our supervisory relationship is working. Also by identifying that in this supervision session that there was a significant focus on my practice cross-culturally and using it as the basis for my second critical reflection, to enable me to reflect on my cultural framework more critically. I have been in contact with other agencies and the community in relation to shared clients and the Feasibility Study. Learning Made The learning I made in this supervision session was in regards to my learning style and how it affects our supervisory relationship, and how we can make it effective for my learning during y field placement. I will use the learning made from the discussion around my practice this week and working cross-culturally as the basis for my critical reflection.

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