Monday, December 30, 2019

Anatomy And Physiology Teacher At High School - 981 Words

a) Upper level education I had anatomy and physiology teacher in high school that made a pretty good impression on me. I had good grades in that subject so he appreciated me, and gave me the opportunity to work in the summer as an orderly in the hospital. Cleaning instruments for surgery and things and cleaning the operating room. I think in the back of my minded, without me knowing, I wanted to be a surgeon eventually. I went straight from that school to medical school, I had to take a pretty serious examination to enter medical school. When you pass it you are admitted to medical school, and I did. So it was a six-year medical school its not like here where its four years. Over there its longer so you sort of don’t have to go four years for college. It was difficult times; it was not easy. I remember some stuff that was kind of rough, but I put in effort and I eventually succeeded. I did it in six years and then one year of internship before I came to the United States. I knew all along what I wanted to be. From my experiences in the operating room I knew I wanted to be a surgeon. I knew when I decided I wanted to be a surgeon that I wanted to be trained in the US. The idea was to eventually go back to Argentina and work there, but things happened and I decided, Betty and I decided, that we were going to stay in the US. We liked Des Moines a lot, and after I finished my internship here in surgical residency we decided to stay and work here in Des Moines, Iowa. We haveShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Education1067 Words   |  5 Pagesjunior year of high school, I decided to take an Anatomy and Physiology course. I heard that the course was difficult, but the teacher, Doctor Defina, was exceptional. At the time, I intended on becoming a pediatric physical therapist so it only made sense to take the course. I wanted to become familiar with the topic so I would be better prepared when I took a college course. 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