Thursday, December 5, 2019

Information Management Information Securityâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Differences between Information Management Information Security? Answer: Introduction In today's contemporary era, the business organizations are creating and using the large quantity of information because the information has become one of the most valuable assets for the businesses. Information provides support to the business in carrying out the various functions of the organization as well as helps in making decisions. The organizations are investing in the information technology because it helps to bring economic value. The economic value helps to increase the revenue, productivity as well as competitiveness. Information can play a role of liability or asset for the business organizations (KnowledgeBrief Manage, 2017; Benson Davis, 2008). The information management is a process that relates to the information and provided to the decision makers of the organization in an appropriate or timely manner. Information management includes all the processes and the systems in order to make use of the information in the organization(SFC, 2017). The purpose of management of information is to provide the right information to decision makers at the correct time and place. In order to attain effective information management in the organization, it is essential to pay proper attention for managing the soft knowledge that includes instinctive capabilities, decision making and tactic knowledge(Espejo Watt, 1988). The Issue The issue related to the information management that came up is that the information that is provided for the access may have threats regarding the distribution of information for the unauthorized access that possibly destroys the privacy and the secrecy of the information. Need for Information Management It is essential to management the information for the purpose to maintain the records of all the information regarding the activities or the functions in the organization. The information is the asset of the business organizations that helps the organization to foster growth through the implementation of the information in the business needs. The information provides a base for the development in the organization. It also maintains the flow of functions in the organization. Information is an essential resource for enhancing the performance of the organization as well as the employees of the employees. It allows to share the information regarding the procedures and the progress of the organization as this develops transparency within the organization as well as simplifies the decision making process (Markgraf, 2017; Jefferis, 2015). Information Management Principles The principles of the information management are: Information is a valuable asset that should be managed appropriately. The information should be accessible as well as shared across the organization in order to increase the understanding and the knowledge. The information should be understandable as well as consistent. The information and the data should be secured and protected as from the unauthorized access(SFC, 2017). Information Management and the Information Security The information management function is essential because information is the asset of the organization. The management of the information is one of the crucial elements within the organization. Along with the management of the information there is a need to secure the information of the company(Dearstyne, 2005). The need for security of the information is there in order to diminish the effects of cyber threats. The misuse of the information can destroy the privacy of the information of the company. The reasons behind these threats can be inadequate security technology, outdated security software, lack of encryption, third party entry, technology with weak security, neglecting proper configuration and the social media attacks(Georgetown University, 2017). The objective of the organization behind the security of the information is to ensure continuity of the business as well as to reduce or prevent the damage that impacts the security of the information of the organization. The basic security issues in the organization occurs due to the lack of control within the organization(BSI Group, 2017). Ways to Secure the Information The information can be secured by designing a safe system, using strong passwords, conducting the screening and background checks, providing training to the employees, keeping sensitive data apart from the regular data and regular scanning of the system and the software. The adoption of these methods possibly eliminates the risk to information. The regular analysis of the security of the information is essential. The security of the information is essential to restrict the occurrence of the issues related to the security of the information in the organization(Steinberg, 2011). Conclusion It can be concluded that the information management is an essential function in the organization that should be handled carefully. The information management in the organization includes controlling of the access to the information, establishing the transparency, and understanding of the information as well as the protection of information. The information security is essential to eliminate the risks of distribution or unauthorized access to the information. The security becomes vulnerable to threats because of inappropriate control of the access to information within the organization. The threats can be internal as well external. To secure the information, the organization should adopt the ways to protect the information of the organization. References Benson, V., Davis, K. (2008). Business Information Management. Retrieved 2017, from BSI Group. (2017). Why is information security needed? Retrieved 2017, from Dearstyne, B. W. (2005, July). The Information Enterprise: New Challenges New Dimensions. Retrieved May 13, 2017, from Espejo, R., Watt, J. (1988). Information Management, Organization and Managerial Effectiveness. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 39(1), 7-14. Georgetown University. (2017). Top 10 Threats to Information Security. Retrieved 2017, from Jefferis, N. (2015, December 3). The need for an Information Management Function. Retrieved May 13, 2017, from Image and Data Manager: KnowledgeBrief Manage. (2017, May 13). Information Management. Retrieved May 13, 2017, from Markgraf, B. (2017). How Is a Management Information System Useful in Companies? Retrieved 2017, from (2008). downloads/training-materials/ebooks/business-information-management.pdf. Retrieved 2017, from SFC. (2017). Information Management Framework. Retrieved 2017, from Scottish Funding Council: Steinberg, S. (2011, July 7). 10 Ways to Keep IT Systems Secure. 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