Saturday, May 25, 2019

Executive summary about wal-mart CSR Policy

Wal-Mart is a large company that deals with al almost solely areas of shopping and at that place are situated in United States and opposite arrays of the world. Wal-Mart is feeln to have about 100 million customers alone in the United States and earns billions in profits. In a situation like this there are meant to reach out to those customers in one way or the other to prove to them that they are appreciated thereby nurturing and maintaining the relationship with customers and other large number of the world, these are the reasons why Wal-Mart rolled out their CSR insurance to this effect.As a consumer, going through this policy would encourage them and keep their nerve centre to the store. Whenever they think of shopping, they think of Wal-Mart. there are many superstores around and the once a customer decides to go to, is based on choice. This choice is motivated by the attitude of the store to a particular customer. So this policy should be encouraged so as keep the cust omer coming bandaging , because this is the only way to kept the line of reasoning going and growing.In addition, as an associate supplier, I would encourage this CSR policy in other to annex my sales and found money in my pocket and increase the gross income of Wal-Mart.I am genuinely much in support of their CSR policy going by the areas, which there go into to affect, change and better the life of citizenry.CSR PROJECTS OF WALMARTEnvironment Wal-Mart is a company that manufactures thousands of junks e in truth(prenominal)day, and in their quest for a safe milieu, for every(prenominal), I think would go a long way in bringing the heart of people to them.Community projects It is also a wonderful idea for Wal-Mart to work with voluntary organizations like Red Cross, Unicef, United Way, Special Olympics. A good collaboration with this organization would be a speedy way to reaching millions of life all over the world and I know thee action is boosting their image worldwide.Peo ple For a quest to forget better service to customers worldwide, I believe their efforts on staffs and associates to make them effective would help a lot. Offering assistance such as training, scholarships, and many other programs to make them happy and comfortable.Disaster Relief Assisting disaster victims like that of flood, earthquake, fire, and disease would is also a good way of exhibiting a kind gesture.THE MOST SIGNIFICANT COPERATE insurance policy.However, the most signifi female genital organt of all policy carried out by Wal-Mart is their policy on environment. I give kudos to that. Based on the speech made by their executive on their policy on cooperate policy on environment, I am made to understand that they are to begin the manufacturing of 100% useful goods and packs. There is also an attempt to reduce their packaging by 5%. This would go a long way in reducing millions of junks in the environment and would be encouraging a healthier one for that matter.MY OPINION O N WALMART CSR POLICY AS A CUSTOMERAs a consumer who shops constantly with Wal-Mart, the CSR policy is a very lovely one. It makes me feel like I am not shopping in vain. I just have it in mind that any succession I shop in Wal-Mart, I am indirectly rendering a help to someone else and it makes me feel good that I am cutaneous senses the life of someone out there.But sometimes I seem to wonder how this becomes so possible, after selling at a very cheap price, they lock up stretch out to lend a help hand, to me, this is heavenly and I will like Wal-Mart to keep up the good work. I also strongly believe that many other consumers out there are feeling the same way. Even as their aid is made public, it makes those that do not know about them to be informed.Reaching out to customer and letting them know that their patronage is appreciated would make them come back always and working on all means to deliver a quality service just gives the customer the mind set that every thing about W al-Mart has quality.In summary, reaching out to customers in every means possible and making them feel and know that their money is worth it, keeps bringing them back.SURVEY CARRIED OUT ON OTHER CUSTOMERS (BOTH REAL AND POTENTIAL)Number of surveys carried out 50 character supporters of CSR policy 85%Percentage non-supporters or CSR policy 10%Percentage of undecided 5%Percentage effect per-customer shopping rate 20% (increase)Percentage (potential) increase in customer rate 45%DERSCRIPTION OF TABLEThe table shows that they is a positive effect of the CSR policy on both in the rate of shopping and has a very good potential of increasing customers. This is because everyone would like to shop where he/she would get their moneys worth and would also be appreciated.MY OPINION ON WALMART CSR POLICY AS A SUPPLIERI, as a supplier to Wal-Mart is supporting their CSR policy. Based on popular demand, I have seen that Wal-Mart is a brand on the heart of millions of people all over the world. In addition, as a successful business venture, there are taking upon themselves some responsibility of the government, putting in lots of money to better the lives of people. I believe this is making them a responsible citizen. With this form of responsibility is supposed to be commended because they are giving back to the people what was given to them. Whatever way used by Wal-Mart to improve their excellence and service to customers would favor me as a supplier. Therefore, I believe that winning in charity works, eradication of poverty, and assisting disaster victim is a well-directed effort.SURVEY CARRIED OUT ON OTHER ASSUMED ASSOCIATE SUPPLIERSNumber of surveys carried out 50Percentage supporters of CSR policy 78%Percentage Non-supporters of CSR policy 22%Percentage positive effects on marketing strategy 64%Percentage effect on sales 35% translation OF TABLEWith this table above, it is seen that with a personal surveys and questionnaires carried out on assumed suppliers, it is dis covered that there would be a very positive effect on the come business outfit if the policy were enforced.The views of about 39 supporters was based on better marketing strategy and the CSR policy would be the best so as to increase the income, reach out to 65% of customers worldwide, increase the awareness of Wal-Mart by 64% and the gross earning could be increased to between 20% to 35% this I believe would increase dividend per share.MY DECISION, EFFORTS, AND IDEAS.As a supplier who is in support of the efforts taken by Wal-Mart, I would seek possible way to improve in the products I supply to them. I would support them also by seeking a better packaging to reduce environment hazard thereby aiding the environmental naval division of the CSR policy. I would also seek out possible ways to join in the voluntary section. To put in my energy where seems necessary.Other ideas I would like to put in are by suggesting that Wal-Mart should also get involved with grass root talents. Thes e can be done in the areas of entertainments and sports. Helping upcoming talents in the streets would also be one of the best and fastest way to reach the heart of the ordinary man. This idea is a very important one because in know that entertainment is a way of winning peoples heart.Programs to this effects could be organizing talent hunt shows, reality TV programs and any other forms of entertainment that you can lay your hands on and you know people loves so much, for examples music, soccer, football, basketball and all the rest of them.With additional efforts as these, we would be exercising a properly marketing strategy.IN SUMMARY I believe that all these actions being taken by both Wal-Mart and me a as a supplier is all part of the effort to market the company and an increase in come on both their side and mine. This is because I feel that if they grow, I grow, if they lose, I lose, so it is all about teamwork and service to humanity.EFFECT OF WALMART PRIVATE LABEL ON MY PRO DCUT AS A SUPPLIERI have come to understand that the uses of Walmart orphic label on my products are very okay and do not harm them at all. It a phenomenon that the Wal-Mart private label is seen as a brand of quality, affordable and certified by customers. Therefore, since I have noticed that according to study and experience that Wal-Mart label is always on the mind of customers, I allowed it and it goes a long way to increase sale.Therefore, having the private label of Wal-Mart would put more money in the pocket of the supplier.REFERENCES(1) Biesada, Alex. (2006, October 13). Hoovers. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Retrieved.(2) Frank, T.A. (2006). A Brief History of Wal-Mart. The Washington Monthly, Retrieved, July 24, 2006.(3) Staff Writer. (, 2006, April 17) risk 500. CNN/Fortune.. Retrieved on July 15, 2007.(4) Staff Writer. (2007, April 16) Fortune 500. CNN/Fortune. Retrieved on July 15, 2007.(5) Staff Writer. (2005, October 25) Is Wal-Mart Going Green? MSNBC, Retrieved on November 8, 2007.(6) Koenig, David. (2006, March 22) Wal-Mart Targeting Upscale Shoppers. ABC News.(7) Reyes, Sonia. 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