Saturday, May 11, 2019

Marketing Management and Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Management and Strategy - Essay ExampleDifferent Firms use different strategies for the topical anaesthetic and foreign marketing management. The main aim of this report is to critically analyze the international operations of an plaque and the chosen company for the purpose is coca plant Cola which is such a successful company payable to its unique strategies.The Coca Cola Company is known widespread for its fizzy carbonated soft tope which is being sold in stores, cafeterias and retailing machines within more than 200 countries. Coca-Cola head offices are situated in Atlanta, Georgia, from where it was originated. The Coca-Cola Company actually produces beyond three thousands alcohol addictions and possesses four of the top close five brands of soft drinks (Coke, pabulum Coke, Sprite and Fanta). Coke brand is among the worlds top familiar and extensively sold fat products. Its biggest competitor is Pepsi. Though coke has been fronting a lot of criticism from many NGOs due to the presence of wide amount of Acid and the unhealthy impacts of the carbonated water but it has built strategies to overcome these and is still most familiar and favorite drink. Additionally the company is known for its ethical and safety considerations (Ford, Stephens, & Cooper, 2007).Initially this carbonated drink was envisioned as a patent medicine in the time it was first invented during early ordinal century, then Coca Cola was subscribed by wise businessman, named Asa Griggs Candler, who made belligerent marketing strategies and spirited marketing campaigns which steered the brand Coke to be the most super and widely accepted brand in the world through the twentieth century. While confronted with charges of tenacious lateral impacts on the health of customers and unchallenged practices of the Coca Cola Company, Coke has continued to be a widespread soft drink in the twenty first century as well (Ford, Stephens, & Cooper, 2007). The company has also made its 2 020

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